Centre for Inclusive Learning


Centre for Inclusive Learning

Inclusive Educational Excellence

Suzie Rush
Head of Inclusion

As a practitioner with over 20 years of experience in inclusive education, it is with pleasure that I introduce the Centre for Inclusive Learning, the newest school in the ISB family. Launched in January 2021, the CIL is located in Panaga, Kuala Belait. This excellently resourced Centre is the first of its kind in Brunei Darussalam, with learning areas carefully designed to promote a sense of safety and engagement in learning.

Our philosophy is that Everyone Excels when provided with the appropriate challenge and opportunities in a caring, safe, and inclusive environment.

“Our mission is to nurture students who learn in different ways, in a holistic and positive environment. 
Our team of dedicated and highly experienced staff ensure that the needs of all our students are met in a positive and supportive learning environment where we nurture excellence and ignite minds.”

Collaboration with families is at the heart of the CIL as we work to build on each child’s strengths. From the moment of admission, we work with you to design a bespoke programme that is carefully planned to ensure success in your child’s learning journey.

Our daily routine combines the four core areas with traditional school subjects, therapeutic provision and targeted interventions. 

As part of the ISB family, CIL incorporates inclusion opportunities with the community and students at ISB Seria, sharing specialist lessons, activities and facilities both at the CIL campus and that of ISB Seria.

4 core areas of development

The foundations of the curriculum at the Centre are holistic. We support each child’s personal educational, physical, social, and emotional needs through 4 core areas of development:

Cognition & Learning

Our aim at the CIL is to only to develop academic learning skills but also to build all-important interest and engagement in the environment and functional life skills.

Our programme includes daily practical opportunities for initiating, investigating and developing the skills and autonomy required for higher levels of thinking and participation. Activities include intensive interaction and imitation skills for joint attention, speech therapy, occupational therapy, sensory cookery and gardening, play therapy, music, yoga, arts and crafts, literacy, maths and physical literacy.

Communication & Interaction

We prioritise helping children to find their voice and communicate their needs. Our Communication for All philosophy promotes language development, including sessions guided by an external speech pathologist. We use a variety of methods, including non-verbal cues and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ACC) systems.

Social, Emotional & Mental Health

Inclusive practice and well-being are central to our curriculum. We focus on positive peer interactions, emotional regulation, and social thinking, working in partnership with ISB Seria and the local community.

Sensory & Physical Development

Our sensory rooms and activities support sensory processing. The curriculum includes sensory circuits, sensory play, and gross and fine motor skill development, promoting a structured and calming environment for children.