
Students chart higher education pathway at ISB Careers Fair 2024

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Students chart higher education pathway at ISB Careers Fair 2024

Friday, 8th March 2024 – International School Brunei (ISB) held the annual ISB Careers Fair 2024 this morning, providing a key platform for ISB’s secondary students to chart their path to higher education and beyond.

Held at ISB’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Workroom, this year’s ISB Careers Fair featured a wide range of institutions, organisations, and universities which set up booths where students could meet with representatives to explore higher education and career options available in Brunei and around the world. Some 400 ISB students from Year 7 to Year 13 attended the event, where they got to ask questions and learn more about opportunities in the next stage of their educational journey.

Among those to feature at the ISB Careers Fair were: the Australian High Commission in Brunei Darussalam; the British High Commission in Brunei Darussalam; the Canadian High Commission in Brunei Darussalam; Education USA; EHL (Switzerland); Findlay; Laksamana College of Business; Curtin University, Malaysia; Monash University, Malaysia; Cosmopolitan College; Glion Institute of Higher Education; Lakehead University; Les Roches International School of Hotel Management; Morrisby; JPMC College of Health Sciences; and Universiti Teknologi Brunei.

Mrs. Emily Deacon, University and Careers Counsellor at ISB said, “A huge thanks to all of the institutions that came from far and wide for making our Careers Fair a success. We are so grateful for their help in informing our students’ future pathways. Not only is the event useful from a careers perspective but it also helps to develop our students’ soft skills, giving them the opportunity to practice their oracy skills when communicating with the representatives.”

The ISB Careers Fair was the final event of ISB Careers Week, which saw daily talks take place throughout the week, including a talk on engineering by Mr. Ross Garforth, Primary Teacher at ISB and former engineer in the UK and UAE; a talk on computer science by Mr. Simon Hansman, Chief Information Officer at Baiduri Bank and an ISB alumnus; a talk covering the topic of studying law by Ms. Nur ‘Azizah binti Dato Seri Paduka Haji Ahmad, the President of the Law Society of Brunei Darussalam and an ISB alumna; and a talk on studying business and hospitality by Ms. Sonia Mueller, Director of Suisse Edu.

The annual ISB Careers Fair is eagerly anticipated each year and is a key part of ISB’s commitment to help prepare its students for university and beyond. Towards this commitment, ISB adopts a dedicated approach where the school’s University and Careers Counsellor supports students through their university admissions process with personalised guidance aimed at finding a university program that best aligns with the individual’s personal and career interests and aspirations.